Political Out-of-Home Ads: A Medium to Consider

In a digital heavy age, OOH ads are vital to breaking through the noise

Political Out-of-Home Ads: A Medium to Consider

In the world of political advertising today, where digital platforms and television dominate the marketing arena, Out-of-Home (OOH) advertisements emerge as a breath of fresh air. Amidst the relentless stream of social media campaigns and TV commercials vying for attention, OOH ads offer a welcomed pause. These ads, strategically placed in public spaces throughout voters’ daily lives, provide a unique opportunity for political messages to break through the digital noise and engage with audiences in a tangible, real-world setting. In fact, according to OAAA and Morning Consult’s recent report, Influence of Out-of-Home Political Ads, “53% of likely voters surveyed said they are consuming information through OOH ads at least weekly.” 

While political advertising can be a touchy subject for some, let’s explore a couple reasons why political OOH ads should be considered. 

Hyper-Local Targeting 

OOH advertising provides the advantage of precise targeting, allowing political campaigns to effectively reach voters in key districts or regions. This targeted approach enables campaigns to customize their messaging to resonate with local constituents. 

According to OAAA’s Political Primer, nearly 85% of political ad spend is focused on local markets. This emphasis on local targeting enables candidates to allocate resources efficiently, ensuring their messages reach the most relevant audiences within their target areas. 

By leveraging OOH ads, political campaigns can enhance their visibility where it matters most, maximizing their impact and engagement with voters on a grassroots level. 

Opportunity for High Reach, Frequency, and Impressions 

Political OOH ads are highly effective in achieving significant reach and impressions due to the strategic placement in high-traffic areas. Unlike other forms of advertising, OOH ads are impossible to skip or block, ensuring they capture the attention of a diverse audience. “34% of surveyed voters reported that OOH ads are appealing because they don’t interrupt their listening, reading or viewing experience.” 

Whether the ad is displayed on a moving billboard meandering through a bustling city, or stationary on a traditional billboard, OOH ads are constantly visible to commuters, pedestrians, and passerby. This pervasive presence results in repeated exposure to the message, increasing frequency and reinforcing the candidate’s platform in the minds of voters. Moreover, OOH ads offer extended exposure, as most of them remain visible 24/7, further amplifying their reach and impressions. 


Political OOH ads are often perceived as more trustworthy due to the non-invasive nature. Unlike digital ads, which can be perceived as invasive or manipulative, OOH ads are integrated seamlessly into the physical environment, blending into the outdoor landscape without interrupting the user’s experience. 

OAAA and Morning Consult reported that “56% of likely voters exposed to an OOH political ad in the last year say they trust the information in the ad to be truthful and accurate.”

The non-invasive approach fosters a sense of credibility and authenticity, as OOH do not rely on targeted algorithms or data tracking to reach their audience. Additionally, OOH ads are subject to regulatory scrutiny and standards, ensuring the content displayed is accurate and in compliance with advertising guidelines. 

As political advertising continues to evolve, the role of OOH ads in shaping public discourse and influencing voter perceptions remains undeniably pivotal. 

If you’re a media operator running political ads for your customers and are interested in measurement and attribution on those ads, reach out to us, here

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